All files / src/compiler/phases/3-transform/client utils.js

100% Statements 312/312
98.92% Branches 92/93
100% Functions 11/11
100% Lines 307/307

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/** @import { ArrowFunctionExpression, Expression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, Identifier, Pattern, PrivateIdentifier, Statement } from 'estree' */
/** @import { Binding, SvelteNode } from '#compiler' */
/** @import { ClientTransformState, ComponentClientTransformState, ComponentContext } from './types.js' */
/** @import { Analysis } from '../../types.js' */
/** @import { Scope } from '../../scope.js' */
import * as b from '../../../utils/builders.js';
import { extract_identifiers, is_simple_expression } from '../../../utils/ast.js';
import {
} from '../../../../constants.js';
import { dev } from '../../../state.js';
import { get_value } from './visitors/shared/declarations.js';
 * @param {Binding} binding
 * @param {Analysis} analysis
 * @returns {boolean}
export function is_state_source(binding, analysis) {
	return (
		(binding.kind === 'state' || binding.kind === 'raw_state') &&
		(!analysis.immutable || binding.reassigned || analysis.accessors)
 * @param {Identifier} node
 * @param {ClientTransformState} state
 * @returns {Expression}
export function build_getter(node, state) {
	if (Object.hasOwn(state.transform, {
		const binding = state.scope.get(;
		// don't transform the declaration itself
		if (node !== binding?.node) {
			return state.transform[].read(node);
	return node;
 * @param {Expression} value
 * @param {Expression} previous
export function build_proxy_reassignment(value, previous) {
	return dev ?'$.proxy', value, b.null, previous) :'$.proxy', value);
 * @param {FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression} node
 * @param {ComponentContext} context
 * @returns {Pattern[]}
function get_hoisted_params(node, context) {
	const scope = context.state.scope;
	/** @type {Identifier[]} */
	const params = [];
	 * We only want to push if it's not already present to avoid name clashing
	 * @param {Identifier} id
	function push_unique(id) {
		if (!params.find((param) => === {
	for (const [reference] of scope.references) {
		let binding = scope.get(reference);
		if (binding !== null && !scope.declarations.has(reference) && binding.initial !== node) {
			if (binding.kind === 'store_sub') {
				// We need both the subscription for getting the value and the store for updating
				binding = /** @type {Binding} */ (scope.get(;
			let expression = context.state.transform[reference]?.read(;
			if (
				// If it's a destructured derived binding, then we can extract the derived signal reference and use that.
				// TODO this code is bad, we need to kill it
				expression != null &&
				typeof expression !== 'function' &&
				expression.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
				expression.object.type === 'CallExpression' &&
				expression.object.callee.type === 'Identifier' && === '$.get' &&
				expression.object.arguments[0].type === 'Identifier'
			) {
			} else if (
				// If we are referencing a simple $$props value, then we need to reference the object property instead
				(binding.kind === 'prop' || binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') &&
				!is_prop_source(binding, context.state)
			) {
			} else if (
				// imports don't need to be hoisted
				binding.declaration_kind !== 'import'
			) {
				// create a copy to remove start/end tags which would mess up source maps
				// rest props are often accessed through the $$props object for optimization reasons,
				// but we can't know if the delegated event handler will use it, so we need to add both as params
				if (binding.kind === 'rest_prop' && context.state.analysis.runes) {
	return params;
 * @param {FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression} node
 * @param {ComponentContext} context
 * @returns {Pattern[]}
export function build_hoisted_params(node, context) {
	const hoisted_params = get_hoisted_params(node, context);
	node.metadata.hoisted_params = hoisted_params;
	/** @type {Pattern[]} */
	const params = [];
	if (node.params.length === 0) {
		if (hoisted_params.length > 0) {
			// For the event object
	} else {
		for (const param of node.params) {
			params.push(/** @type {Pattern} */ (context.visit(param)));
	return params;
 * @param {Binding} binding
 * @param {ComponentClientTransformState} state
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Expression | null} [initial]
 * @returns
export function get_prop_source(binding, state, name, initial) {
	/** @type {Expression[]} */
	const args = ['$$props'), b.literal(name)];
	let flags = 0;
	if (binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') {
	if (state.analysis.immutable) {
	if (state.analysis.runes) {
		flags |= PROPS_IS_RUNES;
	if (
		state.analysis.accessors ||
			? binding.reassigned || (state.analysis.runes && binding.mutated)
			: binding.updated)
	) {
		flags |= PROPS_IS_UPDATED;
	/** @type {Expression | undefined} */
	let arg;
	if (initial) {
		// To avoid eagerly evaluating the right-hand-side, we wrap it in a thunk if necessary
		if (is_simple_expression(initial)) {
			arg = initial;
		} else {
			if (
				initial.type === 'CallExpression' &&
				initial.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
				initial.arguments.length === 0
			) {
				arg = initial.callee;
			} else {
				arg = b.thunk(initial);
	if (flags || arg) {
		if (arg) args.push(arg);
	return'$.prop', ...args);
 * @param {Binding} binding
 * @param {ClientTransformState} state
 * @returns
export function is_prop_source(binding, state) {
	return (
		(binding.kind === 'prop' || binding.kind === 'bindable_prop') &&
		(!state.analysis.runes ||
			state.analysis.accessors ||
			binding.reassigned ||
			binding.initial ||
			// Until legacy mode is gone, we also need to use the prop source when only mutated is true,
			// because the parent could be a legacy component which needs coarse-grained reactivity
 * @param {Expression} node
 * @param {Scope | null} scope
export function should_proxy(node, scope) {
	if (
		!node ||
		node.type === 'Literal' ||
		node.type === 'TemplateLiteral' ||
		node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' ||
		node.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
		node.type === 'UnaryExpression' ||
		node.type === 'BinaryExpression' ||
		(node.type === 'Identifier' && === 'undefined')
	) {
		return false;
	if (node.type === 'Identifier' && scope !== null) {
		const binding = scope.get(;
		// Let's see if the reference is something that can be proxied
		if (
			binding !== null &&
			!binding.reassigned &&
			binding.initial !== null &&
			binding.initial.type !== 'FunctionDeclaration' &&
			binding.initial.type !== 'ClassDeclaration' &&
			binding.initial.type !== 'ImportDeclaration' &&
			binding.initial.type !== 'EachBlock'
		) {
			return should_proxy(binding.initial, null);
	return true;
 * @param {Pattern} node
 * @param {import('zimmerframe').Context<SvelteNode, ComponentClientTransformState>} context
 * @returns {{ id: Pattern, declarations: null | Statement[] }}
export function create_derived_block_argument(node, context) {
	if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
		context.state.transform[] = { read: get_value };
		return { id: node, declarations: null };
	const pattern = /** @type {Pattern} */ (context.visit(node));
	const identifiers = extract_identifiers(node);
	const id ='$$source');
	const value ='$$value');
	const block = b.block([
		b.var(pattern,'$.get', id)),
		b.return(b.object( => b.prop('init', identifier, identifier))))
	const declarations = [b.var(value, create_derived(context.state, b.thunk(block)))];
	for (const id of identifiers) {
		context.state.transform[] = { read: get_value };
			b.var(id, create_derived(context.state, b.thunk(b.member('$.get', value), id))))
	return { id, declarations };
 * Svelte legacy mode should use safe equals in most places, runes mode shouldn't
 * @param {ComponentClientTransformState} state
 * @param {Expression} arg
export function create_derived(state, arg) {
	return ? '$.derived' : '$.derived_safe_equal', arg);